音樂技巧非一蹴可及 音樂之美卻擷手可得

目前分類:英文作業 (8)

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這個笑話 Dr. Gordon 和我講過,曾和思穎老師說過。

只是當初的主角是 Music Educators 而非 Violinists。


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Q: How is lightning like a violist's fingers?

A: Neither one strikes in the same place twice.

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string quartet:

a good violinist,

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要讀的下去, 笑的出來.

國小讀這個等級, 不過份.


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英文問答句, what, who, when, where, why, how的使用練習.

大多數已存在的知識學習歷程都一樣, 看多, 唸熟, 背下, 寫出, 應用, 五個步驟.

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Major 和 minor 在音樂中就是大調和小調的意思。 

Major 大多會用大寫,如同你演奏過的許多曲子,都是 A Major 或 D Major。

minor,大多用小寫,問題:你知道哪一首曲子是 minor的?

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A study of 31 children found that children who received keyboard instruction for two years beginning at age 3 continued to score higher on spatial-temporal and arithmetic tasks two years after the instruction was terminated (Rauscher & LeMieux, 2003). The age at which children begin instruction appears to affect the duration of extra-musical cognitive outcomes, and longitudinal research suggests that at least two years of music instruction are required for sustained enhancement of spatial abilities (Rauscher, 2002); ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting , Can Music Instruction Affect Children's Cognitive Development? ERIC Digest; Frances H. Rauscher; ERIC Identifier: ED480540, Publication Date: 09/2003. http://www.ericdigests.org/2004-3/cognitive.html

一份關於31名兒童所做的研究指出,孩童在三歲時開始接觸兩年的鍵盤樂器教育,當結 束 教授後,他們在空間以及算數上的作業持續有較高的表現(得分)(Rauscher & LeMieux, 2003)。兒童開始受教時的年紀似乎影響了整個外在音樂認知結果的時期。而且縱向分析顯示,至少必須接受兩年的音樂教育在空間上的能力才會有持續性的增長。(Rauscher, 2002)ERIC 情報中心:早期教育和養育。音樂教育真能影響孩子認知上的發展嗎?ERIC Digest; Frances H. Rauscher; ERIC Identifier: ED480540, Publication Date: 09/2003.

“Academic work is really about certain types of deductive reasoning, and especially some forms of verbal and mathematical reasoning. Developing these abilities is an essential part of education. But if intelligence were limited to academic ability most of human culture would never have happened. There’d be no practical technology, business, music, art, literature, architecture, love, friendship or anything else. These are big ideas to leave out of our common-sense view of intelligence and educational achievement.” Sir Ken Robinson, Senior Advisor, Education Policy, Getty Foundation, in an Arts and Minds: Conversations about the Arts interview; Education Commission of the States, April 2005 How Creativity, Education and the Arts Shape a Modern Economy; http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/60/51/6051.pdf

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